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The Future of Travel and How Travel Insurance Fits In

Written By:  Megan Moncrief, Chief Marketing Officer – Tin Leg Travel Insurance



The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent travel bans have impacted the travel industry worldwide to an unprecedented level. This has touched virtually every company and individual booking travel, and has undoubtedly impacted the traveler’s mindset for years to come.


At Tin Leg Travel Insurance, we understand these are uncertain times. We, like you, have felt the immediate fallout of COVID-19 on the travel industry, but more importantly, on the world. We wholeheartedly believe that travel will rebound, and with it, a renewed concern by travelers to protect themselves, and their trip


We remain fully staffed, full-time, as we continue to be 100% dedicated to our customers and our travel partners We are working closely with our travel agents and other partners to ensure their customers are taken care of today, and will be fully insured when it is safe to travel again.


As we look to the future of travel with anticipation, we are already working on new products that will apply to the new and evolving concerns of travelers.


What is the future of travel?

With international travel currently at a standstill and U.S. residents sheltering in their homes, the long-term changes in traveler behavior due to the coronavirus pandemic remain to be seen. We believe this will be a slow, gradual process, beginning with travel closer to home.


The future of domestic travel

We believe U.S. residents will be anxious to get out of their houses, but we don’t anticipate they will go too far until it is safe. Data from travel insurance sales since the COVID-19 outbreak, shows a major rise in the share of domestic travel versus international. Roughly 40% of travelers with trips planned this summer will be traveling within the United States, more than double the percentage from last year.


Tin Leg’s recommended coverage for domestic travel: For most travelers, Trip Cancellation is the most important benefit for a domestic trip. This benefit is designed to cover 100% of a traveler’s prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses in the event they are forced to cancel their trip for a covered reason, such as an illness or severe weather.


Our policies are comprehensive, and include a number of other benefits, like Emergency Medical and Medical Evacuation coverage, in addition to cancelation benefits. Because most U.S. travelers will be covered by their primary health insurance when they travel within the country, we recommend the least expensive policy with suitable Trip Cancellation coverage.


The future of international travel

On the other hand, we anticipate a longer delay before we see the return of international travel. While we aren’t sure how specific countries will approach reopening their borders, we are expecting more strict regulations for travelers upon entry into another country.


Tin Leg’s recommended coverage for international travel: In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be increasingly important for international travelers to have cancellation coverage, along with sufficient medical benefits for the entirety of their trip. As a result, we recommend a comprehensive policy with coverage for cancellations, medical emergencies, travel delays, and luggage. All of Tin Leg’s policies were built to be comprehensive to cover traveler’s main concerns.


The future of cruise travel

Along with international travel, it remains uncertain how the cruise industry will make changes in the wake of new health and sanitary codes put in place following COVID-19. Many travelers are wary of taking a cruise due to the potential of being quarantined. As a result, we expect cruise travel to recover at a slower pace than domestic and international travel. However, by next wave season, travelers may be most inclined to book cruises, as cruise lines are already offering major discounts to attract as many travelers as possible.


Tin Leg’s recommended coverage for cruisers

Due to increased medical expenses onboard a cruise ship, Tin Leg recommends a comprehensive policy with higher medical benefits for travelers taking a cruise. We recommend a policy with at least $100,000 in Emergency Medical coverage to treat an emergency, and $250,000 in Medical Evacuation in case an evacuation is required. Three of Tin Leg’s five policies meet or exceed these amounts.


How to compare travel insurance with Tin Leg

We know there are many factors to consider when booking a trip. And we understand these unprecedented times can make that process even more overwhelming.


Travel packages aren’t one-size-fits-all, and travelers love to compare when planning all aspects of their trips, from the biggest ticket items such as flights and hotels to precautionary expenses like travel insurance. Our number one priority as a company is to help every customer find the best travel insurance for their trip for the lowest possible price, so we’ve made sure we never limit our customers when they’re ready to buy travel insurance.


We created the Whole Market Comparison Engine to help travelers compare Tin Leg’s five policies to more than 90 other policies from virtually every provider in the market. If a Tin Leg policy is not the right fit, they can purchase another provider’s policy directly through our website to make the process as simple and efficient as possible.


Contact Tin Leg’s Agent Team at (844) 646-1507 or email us at with questions or to become an agent. We are delighted to help!